What's The Rush? | A Reminder to Enjoy the Journey
In our quest to do better, to be better, we often find that we can become consumed with working. Whether it's working a job, working to get a degree, working to raise children, working to reach a goal, and the list goes on... Our quest to reach a goal can sometimes cause us to lose focus. In today's world, there is emphasis and appreciation given to speed. Getting things done quickly is usually preferred by many. The problem is, this doesn't always work to our benefit, as we can often find ourselves focused only on the destination, not the journey. Life is a journey. What I've found is that when we spend so much time looking forward to the destination, we fail to appreciate all of the beautiful things, and wonderful life lessons within the JOURNEY ITSELF. I've been guilty of it many times, and I've found that living a worried, rushed, overly ambitious life leaves you void of great memories. When you only look forward to the destinations in life (finishing the degree, getting the promotion, putting the kids to bed to finally enjoy "you" time, etc.), the little details can often go unnoticed. I have decided that it's time to take a step back, and begin to enjoy every little moment. For they are the moments that we often learn from the most.
*Making a commitment to slow down...*