An Invitation to Take it Easy

An Invitation to Take it Easy

Hi there, 

Come on in. Pull up a chair and let's talk for a bit. I've been reflecting lately on how demanding this life can really be. With all of the good that we're all trying to do; going to school, building a career, raising a family for some & countless other pursuits, we sometimes forget to just stop & take a deep breath. In our efforts to take care of everything & everyone else, it can be really easy to forget to make sure we're good. I know because until recently, I had become an expert at just that. The truth is, you'll hear a lot of people telling you to grind, to work hard, to be a member of #teamnosleep, but in order for those things to amount to anything of value, they have to be balanced with some hefty doses of self care. 

So I'm inviting you to do just that. Pay attention to your mind, body & soul. Rest when you need to. Go for a long walk or run. Eat at your favorite restaurant just because. Take the steps necessary to develop healthy habits of self care that will lead to a better mental, physical, spiritual & emotional state. You deserve it, and whether you realize it or not, you need it. 

I've become more aggressive in my pursuit of a more balanced reality. I do more of the things that bring me joy, while "NO" to the things that are unhealthy & burdensome. I've dedicated time to running & a weight lifting regimen, I post up and work at my favorite local coffee shops when I feel the urge. I've realized that all of these things are necessary because I work hard, and life should never be all work and no play. 

How's your self care regimen? Could it use some work or have you found your sweet spot? I'd love to hear about it. 


Until next time, 



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