Creating Calm in Chaos

Creating Calm in Chaos

It takes a lot of energy to stay sane during times like these.

If you're anything like me, change takes you on a roller coaster ride of thoughts and emotions. Add to this the overload of information, news of deaths related to COVID-19, the quarantine order & the changes with school and work... it's chaotic out here to say the least.

How are you holding up?

How has the COVID-19 crisis impacted you? Has your work life been affected? Is your mental & emotional health in tact? How are you coping?

Times are tough for a lot of us, and now more than ever, we need on another. do we deal with all that's happening around us?

First, it's important to focus on what we CAN control. When the world feels like it's falling apart at the seams, we have to relinquish the need to be in control of everything. It's in those moments when we have to simply focus on what is within our control. No, we can't control a lot of what's happening, but we do have SOME control. We can control our disposition, we can choose thankfulness over pity, power over helplessness, we can choose to focus on solutions instead of being tormented by the problems.

Secondly, we can set an atmosphere of calm & peace in spite of our outward condition. I know, that sounds unrealistic, but it's still true. Being at home without a lot of the things we're used to can be down right depressing, but we can choose to flood our space, aura & self with positives. We can still do things that we love. 

For me, I've been spending a LOT of time creating. I've been burning candles from ACO's be candle collectionCandles help to brighten a space & promote a sense of calm & well being. My absolute fave right now is the Sage & Sanity candle. It's a super calming scent that also just makes you feel good. I've been playing my favorite music & trying my best to focus on the positives. I've prayed, spent time enjoying the view from my patio, journaling & eating too much Lol. 

What have you been doing to adjust to this new normal?

I'd love to hear about how you're doing. 

If you find that you're dealing with feelings of sadness, know that those feelings are valid. Give yourself permission to process those emotions. If you find that those feelings stick around too long or you begin to have harmful thoughts, seek the help of a professional right away. 

We will get through this.






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